Status Codes

The robot status is encoded in one byte. The status byte can be divided into the 3 sections Error Flag, Status Group, and Status Sub-Group.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Meaning Error Flag Status Group Status Sub-Group
  • Error Flag provides information about the general status of the robot where a value of 1 or true means Error and a value of 0 or false means OK.
  • Status Group encodes the current state of opertion of the robot as a 4 bit number. See section Status Groups and Sub-Groups for details.
  • Status Sub-Group provides detailed status information encoded as a 3 bit value. The meaning of the value in this field depends on the value in the field Status Group and may additionally depend on the value in the Field Error Flag. See section Status Groups and Sub-Groups for details.

Status Groups and Sub-Groups

For each status group there is a range of status sub-groups associated with the group. The status sub-group GENERIC (Value: 0x0) is special in that it is defined for all status groups and does not carry any more specific information.


  • Value: 0x0
  • This status group does not carry any more specific status information.
  • Available sub-groups:
    • GENERIC (Value 0x0): No specific information.


  • Value: 0x1
  • The robot is in idle state.
  • Available sub-groups:
    • GENERIC (Value 0x0): No specific information.


  • Value: 0x2
  • The robot is currently executing requested movements or other issued commands.
  • Available sub-groups:
    • GENERIC (Value 0x0): No specific information.
    • RUN_PTP (Value 0x1): The robot is currently executing a point-to-point movement.
    • RUN_LINEAR (Value 0x2): The robot is currently executing a linear movement.


  • Value: 0x3
  • The robot is currently moving in jog mode.
    • GENERIC (Value 0x0): No specific information.
    • JOG_RECOVER (Value 0x1): The robot is outside the joint limits permitted for jogging. Only jog requests that do not move it further away from the permitted joint limits are executed.


  • Value: 0x04
  • The robot is currently running in gravity compensation mode and can be moved by external force.
    • GENERIC (Value 0x0): No specific information.